Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gadzooks, our Thinga-ma-jiggers are almost ready for the big parade! The children have glued and taped and had me spray paint some very interesting creations. Several even figured out how to wear their inventions. I can hardly wait!

Just in case they think their parade creations aren't dazzling enough they also have decorated sunglasses and made Lorax masks. Daniel made the request as we began the unit for me to come up with a Lorax face everyone could wear. Between the copier, water paint and cotton balls we have a very cute Lorax mask for each one in the class. You should have seen them pulling apart cotton balls to make the beard. It's much harder than it sounds but it's great exercise for those pincer muscles.

Our year is moving quickly along and the Arts Festival rehearsals have begun in earnest. Each Monday, now through the festival, all the Early Learners and Lower Elementary will rehearse together. It sounds like a delightful story from what snatches I've caught. The children have been very uncommunicative about the story line and in fact, just as I grasp what creature they may be, they tell me they're another. Hmmmm...

Strawberry Festival is around the corner. I know some of you have already accumulated hours by baking shortcakes or making jam. Please remember each parent (or caregiver) is responsible for working 12 hours. Now this isn't to say one can't work more hours or recruit others to help. I've even known a few mothers-in-law to help their child's spouse get in their hours! You can now sign up for your hours and my advice is to sign up early for the hours that best suit your schedule. It sounds like hard work on a day you could sleep late but I have always found that the camaraderie and friendships formed over ice cream scooping and berry dipping can be quite pleasant.

Thursday is Conference Day (again?) so no regular school for our little friends. Please do bring your child for the conference. Several conferences have been moved so please look at the schedule below. If you need to make a change or have something come up Thursday, please call right away so I'll know.

9:30 Timothy
10:00 Evalyn
1:00 Kiki
2:30 Sylvia
3:00 Alora
3:30 Sylvana

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